
Year EDMS number Title Name Publication
2018 2004873 Development of a high-resolution digital firing system for Static Var Compensators EPE Conference
2018 2021739 Field-reliability predictions based on statistical system lifecycle models ARES Conference
2018 2032751 Modular switching and capacitor discharge power converters at CERN for effective integration with a wide magnet variety POCPA Conference
2018 2032752 CERN's standardised control electronics for the efficient integration of power converters in particles accelerators POCPA Conference
2018 2032753 Admittance model for (superconducting) magnets for power converters control POCPA Conference
2018 2036817 Qualification of electronic systems for radiation environments of high energy accelerator MIXDES Conference
2018 2036809 Robust Controller Design For Linear Systems With Nonlinear Distortions: A Data-Driven Approach ECC Conference
2018 2036807 A Data-Driven Method for Computing Fixed-Structure Low-Order Controllers With H∞ Performance ECC Conference
2018 2061185 Availability in particle accelerators for research. How to break through the limits APEC Conference
2018 2113162 FCC Magnet Powering Concepts and Requirements FCC Conference
2018 2113164 Advanced Power-Quality Technologies for Future Circular Collider (FCC FCC Conference
2018 2036803 A Robust Data-Driven Controller Design Methodology With Applications to Particle Accelerator Power Converters IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Journal Papers
2018 2036804 A Data-Driven Approach to Model-Reference Control With Applications to Particle Accelerator Power Converters Control Engineering Practice Journal Papers
2018 2045766 Comparative analysis of interleaved methods for parallel full-bridge structures used in particle accelerator power supplies IEEE Xplore Journal Papers
2017 1824839 Saturn: A 600 kW high-precision magnet power supply resistant to electrical network perturbations EPE Conference
2017 1824838 Thermal behavior of inductors in a 600 kW power-supply for magnets in particle accelerators EPE Conference
2017 1824837 Hybrid capacitor discharge/switch-mode converter for pulsed applications: topology and control design EPE Conference
2017 1825128 Development of a 100 kW, 12.5 kV, 22 kHz and 30 kV insulated medium frequency transformer for compact and reliable medium voltage power conversion EPE Conference
2017 1842422 Thermal stressing mitigation possibility intended for a DC-current magnet supply based on high power IGBT modules EPE Conference
2017 1811647 High precision magnet powering for the SESAME storage ring IPAC Conference
2017 1811662 Data-driven controller design for high precision pulsed power converters for bumper magnets of the PS booster IPAC Conference
2017 1811667 HL-LHC Inner Triplet powering and control strategy IPAC Conference
2017 1811677 A consolidation roadmap for the CERN power converters IPAC Conference
2017 1832844 High-current low-voltage power suppliers for superconduction magnets Power Electronics Ee Conference
2017 1859167 A data-driven approach to power converter control via convex optimization IEEE CCTA Conference